
“How 3D Printing Can Enhance Your Architectural Practice.”

Shai Yeshayahu, UNLV School of Architecture
Innova Conference Room | 1432 South Jones Blvd.
Thursday, November 5th | 12:00pm to 1:00pm

Shai Yeshayahu, Assistant Professor of Architecture at UNLV, will present 3D printers in various contexts ranging from small objects, which bring complexity on the small scale, to architectural fixtures and building components. During the presentation, he will discuss the future of 3D printing and the current developments in the field. Join us on November 5th to learn how 3D printing can be an enhancement to your practice and to see some really interesting stuff.

About the speaker: Shai Yeshayahu, (www.shaiy.net), is an Assistant Professor of Architecture and the coordinator of an interdisciplinary foundation curriculum at UNLV School of Architecture. He is the co-founder of VerS +, an international research and design practice responsive to how ancient, emerging, and local knowledge influence Design Making. The collaborative has designed, fabricated, and mounted several complex installations, curated exhibitions, and completed commissioned architectural projects. Currently, his research is centered on developing an educational platform in which analog and digital technologies such as software, hardware, and tools are integral to the Foundation curriculum. Hence, by prioritizing experience-based learning, technology serves here as a catalyst for immersive learning opportunities in the area of Design Making.  

Questions Shai will answer:

  1. How do you envision 3D printing being utilized in an architectural firm?
  2. Give us your vision of where 3D printing will be and how it will be used in 3-5 years.
  3. If you were a practicing architect, what would you implement today to create a competitive advantage for your firm?

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