
“The Future of Steel Moment Frames – The SidePlate Approach”

Ryan E. Smith MS,PE,SE with Side Plate Systems Innova Board Room August 13 | 12:00pm to 1:00pm Ryan Smith, SidePlate’s Western Regional Business Manager, will be presenting an overview of the SidePlate connection technology including why and how it is used on projects across North America. Ryan, a licensed Structural Engineer, will describe the evolution of moment connection design including the history of SidePlate’s development. The presentation will include several case studies showing the economic benefit of the SidePlate Connection in both seismic and wind regions. These comparisons will help show that you no longer need to struggle with hiding large brace frames when an open layout moment frame can be had for the same cost. Attendees will be particularly appreciative of the shop, field and inspection savings that come from replacing typically used complete joint penetration welds with simple fillet welds or bolts.

He will discuss how more and more design and construction professionals are partnering with SidePlate to design and build more flexible, better performing AND more economical moment frame projects than ever thought possible. He will conclude the presentation with an overview of how you can use SidePlate on your current and future projects.

About the speaker: Ryan Smith is a licensed Structural Engineer in California. He is the Western Regional Business Manager for SidePlate Systems, tasked with educating design and construction professionals on the benefits of the SidePlate connection technology. Ryan obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Architectural Engineering from California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, CA. He obtained his Master’s Degree in Structural Engineering from the University of California, Irvine. Ryan recently served on the Board of Directors for the Structural Engineer’s Association of Southern California and is well known for his expertise in high performing economical steel connections. Please RSVP to Heather Brown by Monday, August 10th.